BMW - Bimmer Coin

I had the pleasure to work with the amazingly talented director BlinkMyBrain (AKA Ariel Costa) in this stunning and eclectic animation along with a team of incredible talented illustrators.

My role ︎︎︎  Design / Illustration

︎︎︎ Styleframes

This high-energy 90-second piece launches the "THE Bì" (Bì means Coin in Chinese), a limited-edition physical token gifted to loyal participants of BMW’s bilibili channel. Each phrase of the voice over had to be represented by a different style of illustration, so you can imagine how much fun it was to do it.

︎︎︎ Credits

︎Production Company

︎ Project Managers
Angeles Blasco & Yanyie Tran

︎Production Assistant
Yeeman Lin

Agus Kröl

︎Art Direction

︎ Illustration / Design team
Leandro Chaman, Galuh Wiyarti, Juan Pablo Dellacha,
Francisco Baudizzone, Malena de Luca & Mateus Klein

︎Animation team 
Lio Skliar, Federico Maks, Nicolás Agarzúa,
Matias Lavarello,Lucas Barrios & Mateus Klein

︎ Chaman™ 2025
 Barcelona, Spain